Dear Friends,
Do you feel sorry for Dandelions? On a recent minibus trip I remarked how, as the daffodils were dying off, they were overtaken
by Dandelions. One of the congregation said how nice they looked. Well, that’s true.
They are as bright and yet, we moan about them because we know them as weeds and when amongst our garden flowers, in the middle of the lawn or between the cracks in the pavements, they are quite a problem. Their roots are tough and often, if you tug at them, you’ll
simply pull the leaves off but leave the root in the ground and they’ll come right back.
But yes, along the roadside, they do add a splash of colour .
When the daffodils die back, their flowers simply go crunchy or slimy, depending the weather conditions. However, the Dandelions go to seed and then are carried on the breeze to seed themselves in other ground and so more are to be found where they go un
With that in mind then, we need to be more like the Dandelion in our Christian life, than the Daffodil. We need a faith that is tougher and doesn’t give up. A faith that can’t be destroyed because of its deep roots.
As I look around, I know many of you have a Dandelion faith and I thank God for it. Continue to share it with others, that we may see new plants blossom into bloom.
God bless you all. Alan.
I appreciate very much the greetings and cards , etc. which you
gave me on the occasion of my fifth birthday. Also, tn those who came along to the luncheon, lam glad you enjoyed it.
The next one will be my retirement ‘do’ or my wake! Thank you ………. Alan