Dear Friends,
You have all heard about the Missional Partnerships by now. You may not have taken much notice or be particularly interested, but they are about to be developed further and the new way of ministry and mission worked through them.
If the truth be told, most who are reading this are probably just concerned about a traditional Sunday morning service being held until they die and everything else wider than that is of little interest.
That’s blunt, but if you do think that, you are not alone. It is expected from many who are in the age profile that makes up most congregations.
I read the other day of a report (albeit now over five year old) that said the maj ority of church congregations have 41% over 60 years old. I don’t know where they got their information, but in this area and not only within our own denomination, that figure would be nearer 90% or more. Thus new expressions of worship, such as the Messy Church are needed to bring a new generation into church life.
I’m on the fence when it comes to these new arrangements. There are certainly some positive ideas and equally, there are some things that cause me concern.
It is early days and the next step is that there is to be a meeting at Revidge Fold URC on Saturday 20th October, open to all from 10 am. An opportunity for members from the thirteen churches of the Lancs East Partnership to get to know on another. Each of the churches has been asked to give a five minute presentation about one of their mission projects to allow us to be informed as to what’s going on.
I do hope some will come along. Transport can be sorted out and more information will be given nearer the time.
I leave the thought with you.