Dear friends,
When earlier this year I received notification that we were due to write a further Synod Consultation Report I simply thought it was another task we could do without. However, we got down to it at elders’ meetings and came up with several pages about what we are up to in our day to day work and witness as a church based in the delightfully comfortable building at Kingsway. It’s quite amazing what has changed since last we completed a report in 2011.
We began that one by referring to the fact that the Wensley Fold Council ward in which we are situated was ranked 101st out of over 32,800+ wards in England for the most deprived area (taken from a review of the English Indices for Deprivation). The most recent survey now places this ward as 19th and that is certainly a challenge for all who work in varying ways to improve the lives of so many who are our neighbours.
We agreed that physically with some forty members nearly all well into pensionable age and many with disabilities our part in this has to be through giving grants from our funds to such charities as T.H.O.M.A.S., the Food Bank, and Nightsafe, without which many more would suffer the indignity of hunger and homelessness even in the 21st Century.
As we chatted we acknowledged that although much happens in the Kingsway complex not a great deal is actually organised by the church itself other than worship and minibus trips. The elders decided it was time to be a little more pro-active in organising a few events where people from within the building or outside in the community could gather socially and we could get to know one another. If little else this would combat another social problem which is loneliness, often a story told by many living alone. We decided on a jig-saw afternoon to launch this. How does one measure success? Well if by judging on numbers coming along the first time it was a flop, although good for the few. The second time two more new faces – were we on a winner? Now as a result of that we are planning a 1940s afternoon. We will still have jig-saws to make, and this time dominos/cards to play or perhaps you’ll bring your knitting or just yourselves and as we listen to some music from that era this may evoke memories for some. We will serve tea/coffee and scones. Why not pop in, we don’t bite! Come and go as you are able – Thursday 9th November.
Perhaps next time we will re-visit the 1950s, the decade that gave me to the world!
We are on to something now and hope to develop this further in the coming months – always open to your ideas and suggestions. Spread the word please.
Although there won’t be another magazine before Christmas, I’m not going to sign off by wishing you a happy Christmas because I intend to write a letter to all within the pastorate and include it with your calendars.
Every blessing,