A peep back to March
If for nothing else March will be remembered for being so cold and there were some days when the weather conditions did impact on our planned programme.
Mothering Sunday was a joyous occasion for many reasons. There was a larger than expected congregation and a lovely atmosphere as we marked the occasion with various thoughts and appropriate worship songs. A bunch of daffodils was given to each lady present.
Messy Church was very well supported and buzzing. We took up a Holy Week theme that was reflected in the craft activity and worship time. We all sat and shared a meal together just as Jesus did on that night he was betrayed.
The previous night’s snow left a covering of a couple of inches on the third Sunday when we unite as a pastorate. Even so a number were able to get to church at Woodlands. The conditions improved slightly throughout the day and we managed to hold Sunday at 5. Although a reduced number were present we enjoyed tea together before Vanessa Pickup shared with us a number of Christian poems taken from a variety of poets spanning four hundred years. Thank you Vanessa.
The monthly DO was nearly a monthly don’t! We had gradually been increasing in number With this Thursday social but this time went backwards way. There was plenty of tea and cake, elders to serve, but very few takers! Those who were present enjoyed making puzzles and engaging in other table games or simply engaging in conversation and llstoningto the musrc. in April we are going to meet in the lounge, rather than the church to see if this makes a difference (see invitation later in magazine).
The North West Synod was held locally at Westbury Gardens and Well attended. Apart from the business of the day which especially contained much about the Synod Manse Scheme and the hope that all churches will allow their manses to be transferred into such, there was an Ordination and induction into full time ministry. This was for Daleen ten Cate our recently appointed Missional Discipleship Mentor. We look forward to further Working alongside Daleen and wish her God’s Blessing in all she undertakes.
Palm Sunday also attracted a near full church. in part as Marion Topping was ioined by members of her family as we included a further act of thanksgiving for Brian’s life.
We were quite ready for the Maundy Thursday Communion Service to be less attended than usual as Rovers were playing at home and the match was on T.V. What we hadn’t taken into consideration was that an hour before, the road would be closed as workmen were completing laying a new (long overdue) surface. This made access to Kingsway very difficult. Full credit to those who abandoned cars and walked!
Easter Day celebrations were led by Geoff Toliey who was Warmly Welcomed on his hrs “in?“ Kingsway this year. What would the URC do without the services of their retired ministers? National treasures each and everyone (well at least the ones we know!)