The month has flown by and there have been the usual amount of services and some extras. We had already mentioned Easter in the last magazine. The following week was Low Sunday, but it was anything but. Ron Lewis led worship and as always left his hearers with much to think about. He even sang a Jewish song!
On 15th. Barbara Duxbury was making a welcome visit. Barbara comes about once a year and it’s always good to see her. It was a service when we didn’t have an organist/keyboard player available and had to rely on recorded music. It’s on such occasions we realise just how much we value ’live music’. ‘
On 22nd. Alan led worship under the heading ’Desert Island hymns’ and shared with us his favourite hymns and ones he would like recordings of to listen too if ever on such an island, where he could sing along as loud as he wished! He said why he liked the particular hymns as he went through a resume of his Christian life. Afterwards there was the buffet luncheon attended by over eighty from both the churches. Some of the Woodlands folk remarked they were sorry they hadn’t been at the service (with hindsight we should have united that morning) but be not disappointed because Alan will do a repeat at Woodlands on 27th. May when he is stepping in to replace the scheduled preacher of the day who is unwell.
The elders led worship on the last Sunday on the theme of ’Happiness’ and what a joyful service it was. With a mixture of spoken word and use of technology the theme was thoughtfully explored. The song with pictures of the laughing Christ was especially moving.
No two services are the same with the variety of preachers we have which is probably one of our strengths and we must say what a joy it is to see a new face so often. lt’s a greater ioy when we see them again! Please be assured all are welcome and we value your comments.
We realise we can’t please all the time, but feel free to speak with Alan or any elder about any aspect of worship. At the least we will listen, perhaps even introduce changes!
The monthly Thursday ‘Do’ took place in the lounge. Whether the venue change was the reason or the programme who knows, but we had such a good crowd as we viewed and sung along to songs from music hall days. We held this in aid of The Red Cross Pour a cup of kindness afternoon and donations totalled £93 thank you.
There’s been a few outings and Bury and Lytham St. Anne’s proved the most popular. On some occasions the weather was very kind and others not!