There are many services and events that could be commented on. Previous requests for folk to send in a write-up about things enjoyed sadly seemed to fall on deaf ears, thus it falls to me to give a brief resume about some of the highlights of the past few weeks.
Well let’s start with Harvest Festival which was a joyous service led by the elders. Plentiful gifts of groceries were generously supplied for Nightsafe and a letter of appreciation can be found in our November/December church magazine.
A Messy Church service was held in September and October. There was the usual array of craft events for the children to busy themselves with assisted by parents and a meal.
Darwen Brass Band provided the musical accompaniment to a number of well known hymns when they visited to mark the 136th Anniversary of the founding of Blackburn Ragged School.
The church hosted the annual Macmillan Coffee Morning and were delighted to raise £347 for that very worthy cause.
Various minibus trips have been held gaining varying support. A trip to Blackpool Illuminatinos was almost full. We enjoyed a fish and chips supper before our ride through the seven miles of coloured lights and displays.
The N. W. Synod was held at Carver URC, Windermere. A busy agenda brought representatives up to date with current thinking.
A special service to mark Reformation 500 has been held for all church leaders and their representatives in Blackburn Cathedral.
Percy Penny Pot contained £65 when emptied and this was sent to the M.N.D. & Neurology Dept at Royal Preston Hospital. A letter of appreciation may be viewed on the church door. The jar is now collecting for The Children’s Society and will be counted after Christmas. Donations from those wishing to have a greeting on the Kingsway Card rather than send Christmas cards to church friends are invited for the Society and may be placed in the pot.